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Modified guidelines regarding functioning of Courts from 07.03.2022





No. 1282 - RG.            Date: 05.03.2022.                                                



It is hereby notified for information of all concerned that upon consideration of the recommendations of the Hon’ble Covid Committee of this Hon’ble Court, the Hon’ble the Chief Justice has been pleased to direct as follows:


a)       From 7th March, 2022 the High Court shall function in the physical mode, as was prevalent when the situation was normal, with the exception that the virtual mode shall also be available to senior lawyers over 65 years of age or lawyers with comorbidities or other problems complying with the following conditions:-


(i)       As and when the case is called on, a request may be made to the court by a lawyer to appear virtually citing any of the above circumstances.


(ii)      Thereupon the Court on being satisfied may grant leave to the lawyer to appear virtually.


(iii)     A link for that purpose may be requested for by the learned lawyer and provided to him by the Registry in advance of the hearing of the case.


(iv)      A lawyer making a request to appear virtually should ensure that his junior is physically present in court, in case leave to appear virtually is refused by the court.


(v)       Not more than 20 lawyers shall be allowed in the court room at a particular point of time.


(vi)      The High Court and the District courts shall revert back to the norms regarding dress code for the Judges and Lawyers followed prior to the covid pandemic.


b)       The Court timings shall be from 10.30 A.M. till 1 P.M. and 2 P.M. till 4.30 P.M.


c)       Dual mode of filing is allowed. Filing may be made by E-mode or physically. Suitable number of rooms or counters must be made available for physical filing.


d)       All the Bar rooms may be opened. The office bearers of the Bar are to ensure that only those lawyers who have cases in court attend court and the others are persuaded not to come to court, to avoid unnecessary crowding.


e)       The office bearers of the Bar are to ensure that their members who enter the court premises wear masks and comply with applicable covid norms at all times.


f)        The above directions will apply to the District judiciary including the City Civil Court, Calcutta, City Sessions Court, Calcutta and Presidency Small Causes Court, Calcutta, as far as practicable.






                 By Order of the Hon’ble the Chief Justice,                                               Sd/-                                                 Registrar General.

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