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Holidays Calcutta High Court and Subordinate Civil and Criminal Courts in West Bengal 2024

  Holidays Calcutta High Court and Subordinate Civil and Criminal Courts in West Bengal 2024
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Commitment to the Court of Session

  Commitment to the Court of Session ( Criminal Rules and Order Rule 92) R. 92. (1) A Magistrate making a commitment to the Court of Sessions shall notify the same in Form (M) 7 without delay to the Court stating the total period of detention, if any, of the accused in custody upto the date of commitment, whether the accused is defended or not and whether he has been released on bail or remanded to custody pending trial. (2) The Magistrate shall send to the Court of Session the record of the case and the document and articles, if any, which are to be produced in evidence. (3) A brief of the case, perferably in three copies, shall be prepared by the Magistrate with all the documents mentioned in sections 207 and 208 of the Code for use of the Court and the Public Prosecutor. (4) The Magistrate shall notify the Public Prosecutor of the commitment of the case to the Court of Session and shall send him a copy of the brief prepared under sub-rule (3). COMMENTARY Commitment proceedings.-...

Service and Examination of Processes

  Service and Examination of Processes (Criminal Rules and Order Rule 43 to Rule 71) R. 43 . Every summons on a Police Officer shall be served through the superintendent of the District or the Officer-in-charge of the Police Station to which such officer is posted. Note. In the case of officers of the Government Railway Police a summons should be served through the officer-in-charge of the Government Railway Police Station concerned. R. 44. (1) A summons on a Medical Officer shall be served through the Chief Medical Officer of Health of the District in order to enable the latter to make arrangements for conduct of medical duties during his absence. (2) A summons on a Medical Officer in the mofussil which does not involve his leaving the station shall be sent to him direct and not through the Chief Medical Officer of Health. R. 45 . A summons to a Judicial Officer may be served through the District and Sessions Judge of the District to which he is posted and the latter shall permit...

22 JD dated 24.01.2020 of the Judicial Department, Government of West Bengal Implementation of the recommendation of Shetty Commission regarding upgradation of scale of pay of Sheristadar in District Court and in the sub ordinate Courts in the State

 22 JD dated 24.01.2020 of the Judicial Department,  Government of West Bengal Implementation of the recommendation of Shetty Commission regarding upgradation of scale of pay of Sheristadar in District Court and in the sub ordinate Courts in the State 


  RECONSTRUCTION OF RECORDS AND REGISTERS DESTROYED OR DAMAGED BY FIRE (Rules 363 to 368 Criminal Rules and Order) R. 363 . When any records, registers etc. of any Criminal Court are destroyed or damaged by fire, the fact shall at once be reported to the High Court and the Presiding Officer of the Court concerned shall take personal charge immediately of the remnants and proceed with the works of reconstruction of records according to the provisions of this Chapter. R. 364 . (a) If any register relating to any criminal proceeding destroyed or damaged by fire has been preserved from destruction or damage, the Presiding Officer of the Court shall take personal charge of the same and shall satisfy himself that no alteration or erasure has been made in the columns showing the manner of disposal, particulars of offence, plea of the accused, if any, and any order, final or otherwise, passed by the Court. (b) If any alteration or erasure has been noticed by the Presiding Officer in any co...